Emigratiebeurs Houten - Emigration and Lifestyle Fair

Euretco Expo Center

Saturnusstraat 60, Unit 89
2516 Den Haag

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Emigratiebeurs Houten is a fair for emigration and international employment opportunities. It presents information and services for individuals looking to move abroad. The fair attracts those interested in emigration and expats.
Visitors Fach- und Privatbesucher
Turnus Jährlich
01.04.2023 - 02.04.2023
06.04.2024 - 07.04.2024
Thinking about participating in Emigratiebeurs Houten? We are your trusted partner for high-quality exhibition stands and booth sets available for purchase or rental to showcase information and services for those looking to emigrate. Contact us today to design your customized booth.